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Armil Sammoon

Chairperson - SCG Group

Armil’s passion for breakthrough innovation is exemplified through his 20 years of diverse experience as an International Gem Merchant, Visionary Conscious Entrepreneur and Investor. He brings a wealth of traditional and non-traditional consulting approaches. He also fosters collaborations across the globe, brokers business relationships between the private and public sector and facilitates decision making.

Core skills: Strategic Partnerships, Negotiation, Networking, Niche Market Analysis.

Specialisation: Entrepreneurship, Investment, Public-Private Partnerships


Mission Possible

Sarrah Sammoon

Director - SCG Group

Sarrah has been passionate about making families, high networth individuals and businesses Global CItizens for over 25 years. She does this using the best brains and hearts in the industry across the globe. Keeping discussions focused on purpose and listening are her strengths.

Core skills: Market Entry, Compliance, Aligning with Purpose and Disruption Management

Specialisation: Global Citizenships; Corporate Relocation; Borderless Movement; Transformation through Literature.


The Warrior



If you ever find him getting things done in the most theatrical way possible, just know that it’s probably in his blood. A commerce graduate and a graduate in theatre studies, who flaunts over a hundred theater shows behind him. His knowledge on theater as a management technique comes in as an effective tool while building a strong team. His interests display a collective range, quite literally, from philately to even collecting documentaries. A trekker, traveller, seasoned artist, trainer, mentor, marketing enthusiast, these are just few of the many things that he is.

Core skills: Planning and Strategy, Networking, Goal Management, Team Building.

Specialisation: Sales, PR, Marketing, Strategies in Management.


Caught in the act



He owns a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Telecommunications, but he’s a master in the art of hardware hacking. Loves a good long read and an effective short code. You won’t find him talking much about himself, in fact, you won’t find him talking much about anything. He’s all about brevity. No frills, no jazz. Recognition can take a back seat, while he’s hard at work behind the scenes. What can come off as intimidating at first, is actually a guy with a great sense of humour and loves a good stand up. So don’t worry, he won’t bite. But it’s time to get down to work, he sure will byte.

Core skills: All things bits and bytes.

Specialisation: Hardware.


The hack jack



The Apple-eyed boy known for his extensive love for, you guessed it, Apple products. This whiz-kid hails from Kerala and has experience working for google even before attempting an engineer's degree. It’s no surprise that he managed to make some quick bucks from tech blogs at the age of 15. He’s got the safest pair of hands at Pacewisdom, making him the go-to-guy for servers and security. Amidst all the coding, digital marketing, web and design, lies his passion to conquer the roads and motorbikes alike. A staunch techie with goals dedicated to make Pacewisdom a globally recognised tech superpower.

Core skills: Web, Digital Marketing, Cloud, Entrepreneurship.

Specialisation: Servers and Security.


The prodigy



With a Bachelor's Degree in Instrument Technology, he was indeed instrumental in the founding years of the company. He was also a part of the Aerodesign team that represented India in an international platform organised by SAE. Apart from his love for action movies, he is also into action in real life. A former NCC cadet with many survival skills under his belt. He gets his high from trekking and mountaineering. From reading Manga to planning to business analysis and solutions, he’s into anything he can get his hands on. And that wouldn’t be surprising for someone who believes being a master of all is none of his business.

Core skills: Jack of all.

Specialisation: Business analysis and Consulting.


Always down for action



The multitalented philanthropist. The man responsible for implementing the newest technological advancements into the team's lexicon of skills. He’s a complete original, even when it comes to mimicry. He’s also the man behind Tech Habba, a tech fest uber popular among like minded nerds. Bitten by the creative bug, not only is he recognised for his technical achievements, but also for his poems and stories that prove the ever-evident interest in filmmaking. He dreams of starting a development centre back at home and the homelike, to provide an opportunity to others like him. Long story short: Big dreams. Big deeds. Big data.

Core skills: Database, Hadoop, Mobile Technology, Web Design.

Specialisation: Analytics and Big Data.


A whole lotta good



There seems to be no power in the world that can disrupt his calm. A laidback creative guy blessed with quick quips and humour. It isn’t unusual that you find his imaginative ways seep into his work. He’s always on the lookout for new technologies and approaches, making him a class apart. But nothing says class like his contribution for Jaguar land rover's Next Gen Infotainment Systems. And like the story of the tortoise, he makes his point, slow and steady, but he will surely win the race.

Core skills: Scripting Firmware for embedded devices, Mobile platforms

Specialisation: Requirement analysis for cloud and mobile projects.


The cool customer