
Business intelligence(BI) can have a tremendous positive impact on your business operations. They can help company owners, executives, managers and teams make decisions with maximized benefits. Pace Wisdom can help you harness business intelligence tools, infrastructure and methods, that let you gather data from your business activities, analyse, visualise and query it. Accurate and timely data can be presented to you through BI apps in a way that lets you improve cost savings, gain profits, enhance your services and products.

Data analytics let you predict future trends and drive change with the help of data mining, statistical methods and modelling. Gathered data from a business intelligence system can be used to build a machine learning model to make predictions about a particular aspect of your business activities.

Industries including but not limited to healthcare, hospitality, real estate, logistics, retail, law enforcement, and public welfare stand to benefit from these solutions.

Customized Analytics Dashboards

We create analytics dashboards for any level of complexity, to exactly suit your company’s needs. BI tools can be made available across your company, to all the relevant individuals, helping them take better ownership of their tasks.

Analyse impact of multiple activities on your revenue

Analyse the impact of product launch dates, marketing campaigns, pricing scales, supply chain and more on your profits. Run a competition analysis with data on your competitors or a cannibalization analysis to see how different product lines of your own affect each other. Let accurate data help you decide your marketing budget, or the optimum quantity of good to be manufactured.

Report Generation

Generate reports across your entire business, visualise data and understand trends, to make smarter decisions.

Drive Innovation

Analytics/ML can help you identify niches for creating new products and service concepts that would not have been noticeable through old-fashioned methods of analysis. For example, you can study the attributes of services that created maximum customer satisfaction, and use those to direct creation of a new service.